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Treasure Map Goblin Archaeologist

宝の地図 - Treasure Map -

Goblin Archaeologist - Goblin Archaeologist -

概要 - Summary -

  日本語(Japanese) 英語(English)
種類(Category) 戦闘 Battle
場所(Place) ラテーヌ高原.コンシュタット高地.タロンギ大峡谷. La Theine Plateau. Konschtat Highlands. Tahrongi Canyon
難易度(Difficulty) low
遭遇頻度(Encounter) 時々 sometimes
ライバル(Competitor) 多い many
敵(Enemy) NM 30-75Level NM 30-75Level
費用(Cost) a little
報酬(Reward) a little


地図 - Map -


深さ - Depth -

  レベル(Level) 深さ(日本語-Japanese) Depth(英語-English)
浅い(shallow) Battle NM出現 NM spawn
7 計り知れないほど浅い地中から声が聞こえた。 You hear a voice from right beneath the surface of the ground.
6 とてもとても浅い地中から声が聞こえた……。  
5 とても浅い地中から声が聞こえた……。  
4 浅い地中から声が聞こえた……。  
3 深い地中から声が聞こえた……。  
2 とても深い地中から声が聞こえた……。  
深い(deep) 1 とてもとても深い地中から声が聞こえた……。  


トレードアイテム - Trade Item -

アイテム(item) ポイント(point)
ジンジャークッキー(Ginger Cookie)x1 低い(low)-0.4Level?
ロランベリーパイ(Rolanberry Pie)x1 普通(middle)-0.5Level?
メロンジュース(Melon Juice)x1 普通(middle)-0.5Level?
ハイポーション(Hi-Potion)x1 高い(high)-1.5Level?


戦利品 - Treasure -

  • 獣人金貨



??? : 鞄の中のもの、全部くれ。計り知れないほど浅い地中から声が聞こえた。

Goblin Archaeologist

Goblin Archaeologist : 鞄ごと、置いてけ。



??? : もっとくれ!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spawns from trading any NPCable item to the ??? near the teleport crag until the mob loads; a player may initiate a trade of any number of items only once per game day. Items traded to the ??? are factored into a point-based system that determines how close to the surface one trade will make the NM. A rule of thumb is: the higher the value of an item to an NPC shop, the closer the Goblin Archaeologist will get to the surface of the ground to claim that item. The closer the voice is to the ground when the ??? is examined determines how many more items must be traded before it spawns. If examining the ??? gives the message: "You hear a voice from right beneath the surface of the ground." then the NM will pop within the next item trade or two. The effectiveness of the items traded depend upon their sellable value to a vendor. So the more you can sell an item to the vendor for the closer it will bring the voice to the surface if you trade it to the ???. The level of the NM can vary widely. The NM can range from level 30 to 75 and the level determined is completely random. Can be incredibly dangerous due to varying levels, so spawning this NM can only be done safely by a group of higher level characters. Drops 500~1000 gil and always at least one Gold Beastcoin. Immune to Sleep and Lullaby. Special Attacks: Draw In, Frag Bomb (100-1500 damage AoE) According to the official update notes for the December 9, 2004 update, can see through Hide. Retrieved from "http://wiki.ffxiclopedia.org/wiki/Goblin_Archaeologist"


メモ - Memo -


更新履歴(Update History)
  • 2008-11-15 Arukaru 初版(1st edition)