!!!Fumii Family {{ref_image Fumii_WHM_WS.jpg}} Maat fight! Win !! *WHM Lv66 - 7 minutes 49 seconds ^^ ---- !!Main Characters ,No.,Name,Race,Nation,Role ,1,Fumii,Mithra,Windurst,RedMage / WhiteMage / BlueMage / Cooking Apprentice !!Mules ,No.,Name,Race,Area,Role, Linkshell ,2,Phenste ,Mithra, San d'Oria, Items, No LS ,3,Haowei ,Tarutaru, Windurst, Items, SOE ,4,Fumui ,Galka, Bastok, Items, SOE !! Job Levels {{ref_image Fumii_WHM_Vahlz.jpg}} ---- ,No.,Job, Level, Information ,1,RedMage, Lv70, Genkai 5 ^^; ,2,WhiteMage, Lv66, AF3 OK!! ^^ ,3,BlueMage, Lv54, Not playing now ,4,Puppetmaster, Lv49, Not playing now ,5,BlackMage, Lv40, sub job for WhiteMage ,6,Dancer, Lv30, Leveling ,7,Thief, Lv26, Not playing now ,8,Ninja, Lv26, Leveling ,9,Warrior, Lv22, Not playing now ---- !!Fumii's Guide to Update SOE Linkshell Page When you type in username and password to login, you will get this menu Menu Option, Description 新しい日記を書く, New Diary Entry 日記を修正・削除する, Edit or Delete Diary Entry プロフィール変更, Personal Character Profile レベル・合成スキル変更, Jobs (Main/Sub) and Trade Skills Levels 武器魔法スキル変更, Magic and Weapon skills Levels ミッション進行度変更, Mission Levels (*Currently no WOG Campaigns) メリットポイント変更, Merit Points 追加項目, Other Information (e.g. Adventurer's Name, Race...etc) ---- !! Fumii's Solo Guide Maze of Shakrami: 11-15 11-15: Maze Makers Valkurm Dunes: 14-18: 14-16: Bunnies [L6], Hill Lizards [M11] 16-17: Goblins (Ambusher, Tinkerer, Butcher) [L6, M11, J6] 15-18: Snippers [J8, I9, F9, I7, F7] 16-19: Damselfly [F7, G9, many more] 17-19: Goblins (Leecher (WHM), Mugger, Gambler (BLM)) [F7, G9, D6-7, many more] Buburimu Peninsula: 12-18 13-15: Mighty Rarab and Sylvestre [E7, outpost] 14-16: Goblins (Ambusher, Tinkerer, Butcher) [E7, outpost) 14-16: Snippers, Zu [H9, camp at hill near beach]. 16-18: Dhalmel [J9] 17-18: Goblins (Leechers (WHM), Mugger, Gambler (BLM)) [J9] Korroloka Tunnel: 15-18 15-18: Land Worms [Entrance] Qufim: 20-24 20-21: Land Worms [I8, H7 (lake)] 22-25: Clippers [H7, SW H8, F6 (tower)] 25-29: Giants [F6, or zone into tower] Sauromugue Champaign: 19-22 19-22: Diving Beetle [H8, H9 location questionable] Korroloka Tunnel: 22-26 22-25: Clippers [at zone to WestAltepa Desert, difficult to find] 23-26: Huge Spider [Everywhere] Yuhtunga Jungle: 24-29 24-26: Yuhtunga Mandragoras [G5] 26-29: Sahagin [F11] 28-29: Goblin Smithy [G5, I8 (zone to Yhoator)] Battalia Downs: 25-30 ???: Tigers, Goblins Orcs [Camp Bunkers] Eastern Altepa Desert: 26-40 26-30: Giant Spider 30-34: Sand Beetle [NW J8, I6], Antican (Auxiliarus, Funditor)[NW J8, I6] 34-36: Desert Dhalmel [I6] 37-40: Goblin (Robber, Trader, Reaper, Poacher) [E9 (zone to West)] Yhoator Jungle: 28-33 28-31: Yhoator Mandragora [F7] 31-33: Goblin Smithy [F7] Davoi: 30-33 30-33: Orc (Brawler, Nightraider, Beastrider) [I7 Camp East Bridge. J8/K8] Sea Serpent Grotto: 33-35 33-35: Ironshell, Skeleton [Near zone to Norg] Garlaige Citadel: 33-36 33-35: Siege Bats [Near zone to Sauramogue Champaigne] 34-36: Borer Beetle [Near zone to Sauramogue Champaigne] Crawlers' Nest: 33-56 36-38: Worker Crawler [First main room] ???: Soldier Crawlers 38-41: Nest Beetles 48-50: Rumble Crawler, Horn Fly, Exoray Sanctuary of Z�itah: 36-41 (highly recommended for scenery/music) 36-38: Ogrefly [I10] 38-39: Myxomecete [I10] 38-41: Master Couerl [F5] Gustav Tunnel: 37-41 37-39: Hell Bat [zone to Valkurm] 37-40: Hawker [zone to Valkurm] 38-41: Goblin (Reaper, Poacher, Robber) [zone to Valkurm] Labrynth of Onzonzo: 41-46 41-44: Goblin (Reaper, Poacher, Robber) 44-46: Cockatrice [near zone to Buburimu] Xarcabard: 43-45 43-45: Demon (Pawn, Wizard, Knight) [E7, zone to Castle Bailey] Yhoator Jungle: 45-47 45-47: Gobs (Pathfinder, Reaper, Poacher) [G6/I6 , zone to Ifrit's Cauldron] Quicksand Caves: 46-5? 46-48: Helm Beetle [zone in from East Altepa, G10] Garlaige Citadel: 49-51: 48-51 Chamber Beetle [fall down first hole on the left] ---- Update: *2008-04-07 Create Page and Upload picture